Thursday, September 13, 2007

I am guilty

... of not writing here, on my own blog, but posting over there. Check out my pasta news if you want to see an old photo of mine (from 1999), or this one to learn some maths ;-)


melek said...

pNot only guilty but also a liar :)Because you have promised us to write first your own blog when you have time.Remember!!!I'm still wainting for the post about bicycle;it seems I will be waiting for ever.I wrote in english because I wanted to be understood by everybody who read the blog(of course your owns)

B5 said...

Yok suclu degilsin, cok guzel yazmissin orada da.. Hele yalanci erkeklere cok guldum:D.Palavraci mi deseydim :D.. Su matematiksel oran. Ayni benzeri orantiyi aldatanlar uzerine yapilan bir arastirma icin duymustum..

Unknown said...

Aaaaaa!!!! Ben de diyorum... cik cik cik (disle dilin citlatma sesi)

B5 said...

Yasemin nasil gecti bugün?!!! Bunu aslinda email ile sormam gerekiyordu ya....

Belki buraya gelirsin bir gün.. Adresim degisti. Yeni blog yaptim ;)